Yes, until now known only that ..
Top - the world's costliest home was finally completed.
Twenty-seven storey building worth $ 1 billion, owned by Mukesh Ambani - The Richest man in India - and his family (wife and three children). It is difficult to say exactly what type of structure. Is too large to be called a house, and the fact that there are more stories, even the palace of Versailles, and a staff of 600 employees, made it turn into a castle. But can a skyscraper, this home to a castle called?
Twenty-seven storey building worth $ 1 billion, owned by Mukesh Ambani - The Richest man in India - and his family (wife and three children). It is difficult to say exactly what type of structure. Is too large to be called a house, and the fact that there are more stories, even the palace of Versailles, and a staff of 600 employees, made it turn into a castle. But can a skyscraper, this home to a castle called?